BloksOrganismPre Footer

Pre Footer


The Pre Footer component is a versatile section designed to be placed before the main footer of a web page. It consists of two main areas: a content area for displaying text or other components, and an action area for buttons. The component features a customizable gradient background and responsive layout, making it suitable for various design needs.


sabaccui add preFooter


Here are examples of how to use the Pre Footer component in a Storyblok block:

Example with one button


Stay updated with our latest news and offers!

Example with two buttons


Join Our Community


Field NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
contentbloksAn array of content components, restricted to components with the tag ID 47875[]
actionsbloksAn array of button components[]
gradientoptionThe gradient style for the backgroundnull


  • Type: bloks
  • Description: Allows adding multiple content components to the left side of the pre-footer.
  • Restrictions: Only components with the tag ID 47875 are allowed.


  • Type: bloks
  • Description: Allows adding multiple button components to the right side of the pre-footer.
  • Restrictions: Only button components are allowed.


  • Type: option
  • Description: Sets the gradient style for the background of the pre-footer.
  • Options:
    • Primary: primary
    • Secondary: secondary
    • Dark: dark
    • Light: light
    • Black: black
    • White: white


  1. The Pre Footer component uses a grid layout with 2 columns to create a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes.
  2. The gradient background is implemented using Tailwind CSS classes and can be easily customized or extended.

Best Practices:

  • Keep the content concise and focused to maintain a clean and effective pre-footer section.
  • Use contrasting colors for the gradient and text to ensure readability.
  • Limit the number of action buttons to avoid overwhelming the user.
  • Ensure that the Pre Footer component complements the overall design of your website and doesn't clash with the main footer.