BloksAtomBackground Glow

Background Glow


The Background Glow component is a versatile UI element that creates a customizable gradient background glow effect. It allows for the creation of visually appealing, blurred gradient backgrounds that can enhance the overall aesthetic of a page or section. The component supports multiple color stops and vertical offset positioning.


sabaccui add backgroundGlow


Here are examples of how to use the Background Glow component:

Basic usage with two colors


Complex gradient with multiple color stops and offset



Field NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
colorstextareaA list of color values, each on a new line, defining the gradient stops. Colors can be in any valid CSS color format (hex, rgb, rgba, etc.).Required
offsetnumberThe vertical offset of the glow effect as a percentage of its container height.0


  1. It computes the gradient style dynamically based on the provided colors and offset.
  2. The glow effect is implemented as an absolutely positioned div with blur and opacity applied.
  3. The maximum size of the glow effect is constrained to 800x800 pixels.

Best Practices:

  • Use contrasting colors for a more dramatic effect.
  • Experiment with the offset to achieve the desired positioning within the layout.
  • Consider the impact on readability when placing text over the glow effect.
  • Use sparingly to avoid overwhelming the user interface.