BloksOrganismCall To Action



The Call-To-Action component is a flexible and visually appealing section designed to grab user attention and prompt action. It features a customizable background, optional foreground content, and an overlay color option. The component is built with a responsive layout and includes a particle effect background for added visual interest.


sabaccui add callToAction


Here's an example of how to use the Call-To-Action component:


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Field NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
backgroundbloksAllows for a single background component (e.g., background, image or video)None
foregroundbloksContent to be displayed on top of the backgroundNone
overlayoptionOptional color overlay for the backgroundNone


  • Type: bloks
  • Maximum: 1
  • Description: Accepts a single component to serve as the background (e.g., an image or video component).


  • Type: bloks
  • Description: Optional content to be displayed on top of the background. Can include multiple nested components such as headlines, paragraphs, or buttons.


  • Type: option
  • Options:
    • Primary (primary)
    • Secondary (secondary)
    • Light (light)
    • Dark (dark)
    • White (white)
    • Black (black)
  • Description: Specifies the color overlay to be applied to the background, allowing for better contrast with foreground content.


  1. The component uses a particle effect background, which is rendered using the <BackgroundNetwork> component.
  2. The layout is responsive, using Tailwind CSS classes for spacing and sizing.
  3. The component is editable within the Storyblok editor using the v-editable directive.

Best Practices:

  • Choose background and overlay combinations that provide sufficient contrast for foreground content.
  • Keep the call-to-action concise and focused on a single, clear action.
  • Test the component across different screen sizes to ensure responsiveness.
  • Consider accessibility when selecting colors and contrast levels.