BloksAtomDefinition Item

Definition Item


The Definition Item component is an atomic text element designed to display a term and its corresponding definition. It's structured as a description list (<dl>) with a term (<dt>) and a definition (<dd>). The component is nestable and supports markdown formatting for the definition text.


sabaccui add definitionItem


Here's an example of how to use the Definition Item component in a Storyblok block:



termtextThe term or concept being defined. This field is required and translatable.None
definitionmarkdownThe explanation or definition of the term. This field supports markdown formatting and is translatable.None


  1. The component uses a two-column grid layout on medium and larger screens.
  2. The term is displayed in the right column with gray, semibold text.
  3. The definition is rendered using a Markdown component, allowing for rich text formatting.
  4. The component is editable within the Storyblok interface.

Best Practices:

  • Keep terms concise and clear.
  • Use markdown formatting in the definition to enhance readability and highlight important points.
  • Ensure that the term and definition are semantically related and provide value to the user.
  • Consider the responsive layout when writing definitions, as they may appear differently on smaller screens.