BloksMoleculeRoadmap Phase

Roadmap Phase


The Roadmap Phase component is designed to represent a specific phase or stage within a roadmap. It allows for the presentation of a structured content block that includes a subtitle, title, description, and a list of related items. This component is particularly useful for creating visual roadmaps, project timelines, or multi-step processes in a clear and organized manner.


sabaccui add roadmapPhase


Here's an example of how to use the Roadmap Phase component in a Storyblok block:


Q4 2024

Launch Phase

This phase focuses on the final preparations and the official launch of our product.

Beta Testing

Marketing Campaign

Official Launch


subtitletextA short text displayed above the main title. Required and translatable.None
titletextThe main heading for the roadmap phase. Required and translatable.None
descriptionmarkdownA detailed explanation of the phase, supports markdown formatting. Translatable.None
itemsbloksA list of roadmap phase items, restricted to the roadmapPhaseItem component.Empty array


  1. The items field is designed to work exclusively with the roadmapPhaseIten component, ensuring consistency in the presentation of roadmap items.
  2. The component is nestable, allowing for flexible placement within other components or layouts.
  3. This component is tagged as a "Molecule" in the component hierarchy, suggesting it's a mid-level UI element that combines simpler components.

Best Practices

  • Use clear and concise language for the subtitle and title to quickly convey the phase's purpose.
  • Utilize the markdown-supported description field to provide detailed information about the phase, including lists, links, or emphasis where needed.
  • When adding items to the phase, ensure they are logically connected and follow a chronological or priority order.
  • Consider using consistent formatting across multiple Roadmap Phase components if presenting a full roadmap to maintain visual coherence.