

The Teaser component is a flexible and visually appealing element designed to grab attention and provide a brief preview of content. It features a background media (image or video), logo, customizable text, and optional action buttons. The component supports parallax scrolling effects for the background media and includes accessibility considerations.


sabaccui add teaser


Here are examples of how to use the Teaser component in various configurations:

Basic usage with an image background


Video background with glow effect and centered content



Field NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
backgroundassetThe background media (image or video) for the teaser. Supports both images and videos.None
logoassetThe logo to be displayed on the teaser.None
textmarkdownThe main text content of the teaser. Supports Markdown formatting.None
actionsbloksAn array of action buttons. Only allows button components.None
glownumberAdds a glow effect to the teaser. Specify the strength value.None
alignoptionDetermines the alignment of the content. Options: left, center, right.left


  1. The component uses the @vueuse/core library for scroll and reduced motion preference detection.
  2. A parallax effect is applied to the background media for added visual interest.
  3. Video backgrounds automatically play when in view and pause when out of view.
  4. The component is keyboard accessible, allowing users to play/pause video backgrounds using the Enter or Space key.
  5. An IntersectionObserver is used to manage video playback based on visibility.
  6. The component supports various aspect ratios for the media container.

Best Practices:

  • Ensure that the background media (especially videos) is optimized for web performance.
  • Provide meaningful alt text for images and descriptions for videos to enhance accessibility.
  • Use the glow effect sparingly to avoid overwhelming the user interface.
  • Consider the align property to create visual variety and hierarchy in your layout.
  • When using video backgrounds, ensure that any critical information is also conveyed through text or other means for users who may have videos disabled.