

The Plan component is a versatile and customizable pricing plan block designed to showcase different product or service tiers. It supports featured plans, price display, benefits listing, and a call-to-action button. This component is ideal for creating compelling pricing pages or comparison tables.


sabaccui add plan


Basic Plan


Basic Plan

Get started with our basic features


Perfect for individuals and small projects

What's included

  • 5GB Storage

  • 2 Team Members

  • Basic Support


Best Value

Pro Plan

Advanced features for growing businesses



Unlock premium features and priority support

Pro Features

  • Unlimited Storage

  • Unlimited Team Members

  • 24/7 Priority Support

  • Advanced Analytics

Custom Priced Plan



Tailored for large organizations

Custom Pricing

Contact us for a customized solution

Enterprise Features

  • Dedicated Support

  • Custom Integrations

  • SLA Guarantee

  • On-Premise Option


Field NameTypeDescriptionDefault
priceTexttextCustom text for displaying price (e.g., "Free", "Contact Us")-
titletextThe name of the plan (required, translatable)-
introtextA brief introduction or tagline for the plan (translatable)-
descriptionmarkdownDetailed description of the plan-
actionbloksCall-to-action button (required, 1 item max, restricted to button component)-
benefitsHeadertextHeader text for the benefits section-
benefitstextareaList of benefits, each on a new line (translatable)-
isFeaturedbooleanWhether the plan should be highlighted as featuredfalse
pricenumberThe price of the plan (min value: 0)-
originalPricenumberThe original price for comparison (min value: 0)-
ribbonTexttextText for the featured ribbon (max 20 characters, translatable)-


  1. The component uses the Intl.NumberFormat to format prices in a defined currency.
  2. Benefits are split by newline characters and rendered as a list with check icons.
  3. The component supports both custom price text and numerical prices with optional original price for comparisons.
  4. Featured plans have a distinct visual style with a border and shadow effect.

Best Practices:

  • Use consistent pricing structures across plans for easy comparison.
  • Highlight the most popular or recommended plan using the isFeatured option.
  • Keep benefit descriptions concise and clear for easy scanning.
  • Use the ribbonText to draw attention to special offers or popular choices.
  • Ensure that the call-to-action button links to the appropriate sign-up or upgrade page.