

The Card component is a flexible and visually appealing element designed to showcase media content along with accompanying text. It features a background image, a main media asset (which can be either an image or a video), and a content area for text or other components. The card has a gradient background and a subtle border effect, creating depth and visual interest. It also implements a scroll-based animation for the background image.


sabaccui add card


Here's an example of how to use the Card component in a Storyblok block:


Main image

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa.


mediaassetThe main media asset for the card. Can be an image or video.-
backgroundassetThe background image for the card. Optional.-
contentbloksContent blocks to be displayed in the card. Limited to components with specific tags.-
  • media: asset
    • Accepts videos and images
    • Required field
    • Used as the main visual element of the card
  • background: asset
    • Accepts images and videos
    • Optional field
    • Used as a background element with a parallax-like scroll effect
  • content: bloks
    • Restricted to components with specific tags: text, molecule (e.g., SimpleText)
    • Used to add text content or other components within the card

No related components specified in the provided information


  1. The component uses the useScrollProgress composable to create a scroll-based animation effect on the background image.
  2. The main media asset (image or video) is displayed with a maximum width and height of 70% of its container.
  3. The content area has a maximum width of 96 rem and is centered within the card.

Best Practices:

  • Choose background images that complement the main media asset without overshadowing it.
  • Keep the content concise to maintain the card's visual appeal and readability.
  • When using video as the main media, ensure it's optimized for web performance.
  • Consider the accessibility of your content, especially when using images or videos with text overlays.